Miss Katelyn Corya - Hillside Elementary School
200 Tilden Blvd, Acorn, Indiana 24536
Phone: 317-555-5555

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Field Trip for Social Studies

We will be covering five main topics in social studies this year. These topics include: History, Civics and Government, Geography, Economics, and Individuals, Society, and Culture. All of these topics will be broken down to a first grade level that can be understood by the students. The first thing our class will study is what the word community means. We will look at what community we live in, and how we each fit into our community around us. After that we will view how other communities around the world interact, and how we each fit into those communities. 

We will be taking a field trip to our town hall in two weeks on Wednesday, October 10. Touring the town hall will allow the students to see an aspect of our community and ask questions about it as well. I will be sending home a field trip permission slip this week which is due October 1. We will need at least four adults to accompany our field trip. If you are interested in chaperoning, indicate so on the permission slip. Let's go explore our community! 


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